
Showing posts from January, 2017

Hadhrat Suhaib رضي الله عنه 's coming into Islam

Hadhrat Suhaib and Hadhrat Ammaar (Radi-Allahu-Anhuma) became Muslims at the same time. The Prophet ﷺ was staying at Arqam (Radi-Allahu-Anhu)'s place. when they both came separately with the same intention of embracing Islam and met each other at the door of the house. Suhaib (Radi-Allahu-Anhu) also suffered very much at the hands of his persecutors. like other poor Muslims of that time. At last he decided to emigrate to Madinah. The Quraysh would not tolerate this and  soon after his departure a party went in pursuit to bring him back to Makkah. As the party drew near, he shouted to them: "You know that I am a better archer than all of you. So long as I have a single arrow left with me, you will not be able to approach me and when I finish all my arrows. l shall fight you with my sword, as long as it is in my hand. If you like you can get my money which I have left in Makkah and my two women slaves, in lieu of me." And they agreed. He told them the whereabouts ...