Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Umar رضي الله عنهم compete in giving Sadaqah

Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه narrates, “Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم once asked for contributions in the path of Allah Ta'aala. Since I was in possession of some wealth at the time, I thought that I must try to surpass Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه this time since he always surpassed me in spending in the path of Allah Ta'aala. Pleased with the thought, I went home and divided all I possessed into two equal parts. I left half for my family and took the rest to Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم.

'Did you leave anything for your family, Umar?' Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم asked. 'I did, O Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم!' I replied. Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم then asked me how much I had left and I informed him that I had left Half.

Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه then arrived with his donation. 'What did you leave for your family, Abu Bakr?' Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم asked. His reply was, 'I have left only Allah Ta'aala and his Nabi صلى الله على وسلم for them.'

It was then that I had to accept the fact that I would never be able to surpass Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه.

NOTE: We should always try to compete with each other in doing good deeds. In fact, this is encouraged in the Quran.
“Vie with one another in good works" (s5:v48)


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