The Salaah of a few eminent Sahabah (Radhi-Allahu-Anhum)

Describing the Salaah of Hadhrat Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه and Hadhrat Abdullah bin Zubair رضي الله عنه Hadhrat Mujahid (رحمه لله) says: "They stood in Salaah motionless like pieces of wood stuck in the ground." Ulama agree that Hadhrat Abdullah bin Zubair رضي الله عنه learnt to read his Salaah from Hadhrat Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه, who in turn learnt it directly from the Prophet صلى الله على وسلم.

It is said about Hadhrat Abdullah bin Zubair رضي الله عنه that he remained in Sajdah for so long, and kept so motionless that birds would come and perch on his back. He would sometimes remain in Sajdah or Ruku all night long. During an attack against him, a missile came and hit the wall of the masjid wherein he was performing his Salaah. A piece of masonry flew from the wall and passed in between his beard and throat. He neither cut short his Salaah, nor was he the least perturbed. Once he was performing his Salaah while his son Hashim was sleeping
near him. A snake fell from the ceiling and coiled round the child. The child woke up and shrieked, and the whole household gathered round him. They killed the snake after a great hue and cry. Ibn Zubair رضي الله عنه, calm and quiet, remained engaged in his Salaah all the while. When he completed his Salah, he said to his wife:
"I heard some noise during my Salaah, what was that?"
His wife exclaimed: "May Allah have mercy on you! The child's life was in danger, and you took least notice of it." "
His answer was: "Had I turned my attention to anything else, what
would have remained of the Salaah?"

Hadhrat 'Umar (رضي الله عنه) was stabbed at the
End of his khilafat, and this same wound caused his death.
He bled profusely and remained unconscious for long intervals. But when he was informed of the time of Salaah, he would perform it in that very condition, and say: "There is no portion in Islam for the person who discards Salaah."

Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه  would remain in Salaah all night long, finishing the whole of the Qur'an in one rakaat.

It is reported about Hadhrat Ali رضي الله عنه that he would turn pale and tremble at the Time of Salaah. Somebody asked him the reason, and he said: "It is the time to discharge that trust which Allah offered to the Heavens and the Earth and the hills, but they shrank from bearing it, I now have to discharge it.”

Somebody once asked Khalaf-bin-Ayub رحمه لله:
"Do the flies not annoy you in Salaah?" His answer was:
"Even criminals patiently bear the lashes of the government, to boast of their endurance afterwards. Why should I be made to skip about by mere flies when standing in the presence of my Lord?"

Whenever Muslim bin Yasaar رحمه لله used to stand up for Salaah, he would say to members of his family: "You may continue talking, for I shall be unaware of what you talk.”
He was once performing his Salaah in the Jaamia Masjid of
Basrah when A portion of the masjid wall fell down with a
Crash, the people gathered there with much noise, but Hadhrat Muslim did not even hear the commotion.

Somebody asked Haatim Asam رحمه لله aboout how he performed his Salaah, He replied: "When the time for Salaah arrives, I perform my Wudhu and go to the place where I have to perform my Sahabah. I then sit down for a while till all the parts of my body are relaxed. Then I stand up for Salaah, visualising the Ka'bah in front of me, imagining my feet upon the Bridge of Siraat, with Paradise to my right, and Hell to
my left, and the angel of death close behind me, and thinking
that it may be my last Salaah. Then I say my Salaah with full sincerity and devotion.
I finally complete my Salaah in a state of fear and hope, unsure whether it will be accepted or rejected


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