Exemplary Traits Of Aaisha رصي الله عنها

Allah Ta'ala  has blessed Hadhrat Aaisha رضي الله عنها with many praiseworthy and exemplary traits. Despite her life of difficulty and hardship she never once complained and remained content, always obeying Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and endeavouring to please him. She would even keep in mind the close relatives of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Her devotion to Ibadah was such that she never missed performing her Tahajjud, Chasht as well as other nafl Ibadah. She would fast on the most scorching days. She had the habit to perform Hajj every year (after the demise of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم). She was ever fearful of Allah Ta’ala and was always concerned over the Aakhirah.  At times her concern for the Aakhirah would cause her to tear uncontrollably. She was extremely soft hearted. Her generosity and kind heartedness was such that she gave a hundred thousand dirhams as Sadqah in one day and would not keep a single dirham for herself.  She would always come to the assistance of other woman and would never fail to intercede on their behalf, in permissible issues.
Hadhrat Aaisha رضي الله عنها would never turn any person and to the best of her abilities would try to assist them. Even though she was gentle in nature she was just. Her bravery and courage was such that she would wake in the dead of night and visit the graveyard on her own. Her services and exploits have left their mark on the ages of Islamic conquest and she did not fear even the mightiest of governors. She was very considerate and took into account the smallest aspects when dealing with people. She always fulfilled the responsibility of calling towards good, preventing evil and reconciling between people.  She was kind to her servants and those under her care. She would maintain good relations with the other wives of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and would openly highlight their virtues and noble qualities. Treating people in the manner that they deserved was her second nature.

Throughout her life she abstained from the evil habits of backbiting, slander, lying, cursing and seeking out the faults of others.  She strictly abided to the laws of Hijaab, which is the inherent quality of women, such that she wished to even observe hijab from her foster father until Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم prevented her from doing so and she obeyed.

Despite possessing such meritorious traits and virtues , Allah Ta'aala endowed her with the qualities of humility and humbleness to such an extent that she even disliked hearing others praise her. This same quality remained in her to the end of her days and even on her deathbed was apprehensive of allowing Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbas Radhi Allah Anhu to enter, fearing that he might begin praising her.

In essence her personality was an assembly of attributes of nobility, possessing such outstanding traits such as truthfulness, piety, trustworthiness, contentment, obedience, purity, generosity, bravery, intelligence, helpfulness, devoutness, perception, eloquence, chastity, fear of Allah, asceticism, simplicity, compassion, humility, patience, forgiving, as well as many other noble traits.

Taken from the book Hundred Stories Of Hadhrat Aaisha رضي الله عنها
Written by: Moulana Shuaib Saror
English translation edited by: Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias


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