Uthmaan bin Affaan رضي الله عنه


The status and virtue of Uthmaan رضي الله عنه  are evidently clear. He was amongst the Saabiqoon Awwaloon (the vanguards)  of Islam. After Hadhrat Abu Bakr, Hadhrat Ali and Hadrat Zaid bin Haaritha رضي الله عنه  he was the next person to except Islam and was also graced with the title of Dhun Noorain (Possessor of two lights.This was on account off him marrying the two daughters of  Rasulullah صلي الله على وسلم (Hadrat Ruqayya and Ummu Kulthoom رضي الله عنها).
After the demise of Ummu Kulthoom رضي الله عنها , Rasoolullah صلي الله على وسلم stated that if he had forty more daughters he would hand them all in marriage Hadhrat Uthmaan رصي الله عنه.

He was a very wealthy man who spent all his wealth for the propagation of Islam.
It was in his honour that the pledge of Ridwaan was taken by Rasoolullah and the Sahabah and he was also privileged to be one of the scribes of revelation. He was blessed with the honour of extending the Masjid Haram and is also endowed with title of Jaamiul Quraan (the one who compiled the Quraan ) because he united the Ummah on a common recitation of the Quraan.

It it's because off his outstanding attributes that the Ummah have given him the title of Kaamilul Hayaa wal Imaan (the one with perfect modesty and Imaan).
The conquests he attained during his reign as Khalifah make up a fascinating segment of Islamic history. It was during his reign that the Muslims took control of Armeria, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kabul, Sindh, Cyprus, Spain and numerous other regions.It was also during his reign that the first Muslim naval fleet was inaugurated.

While his pure life  left an indelible impression on earth, he was one who was surrounded by strife and plots during his reign. There were rebellious elements bent on causing disunity and trouble amongst the Muslims, but he made the ultimate sacrifice of his life for the same. He refused to repel the insurgents who finally took his life not because he was unable to defeat, but because this was in the greater interest of the Ummah at large.

Hadhrat Uthmaan رصي الله عنه was born in Makkah 47 years before the Hijrah, in the year 577A.D. not much is known about his early life except that he was amongst the very few people of Makkah who were literate.

He was well acquainted with the common occupation of the Quraysh which was trade and commerce. He was in partnership with Rabee'ah bin Haarith in the cloth trade, which they engaged on a big scale. It was as a result of this roaring business that he earned himself the title of Ghani (wealthy).
Hadrat Uthmaan was naturally a very generous and tolerant man with most noble traits. The Quraysh therefore loved him dearly, as a result of which they even coined a phrase, which meant “I love you and Allah as much as the Quraysh love Uthmaan.”

Sound Disposition:
Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه was always a righteous man with perfect Imaan. Even though he lived during a time when drinking wine was fashionable and non-drinkers were ridiculed, he was amongst those who detested wine drinking. He also had a material dislike for singing, dancing and acts of futility. He once stated “ neither as a Muslim or during the period of ignorance have I ever committed adultery, drunken wine or indulged in music.”

Physical Description:
He was fair in complexion, with tints of yellow, as the colour would be of gold mixed with silver. He was handsome, of remarkable stature and with straight hair. He had a prominent noise and strongly build torso, which was covered in hair. He had a broad chest and muscular shoulders as well. There were faint pockmarks on his face and his teeth were straight with gold filings. His beard was thick, his hair long and his skin smooth and delicate.

Since he wad blessed with plenty of wealth, Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه was able to wear the best of clothing as a token of expressing gratitude for the bounties of Allah. He often wore Yemeni garments, which were highly valued during the time for their distinction and price. They were usually cream in colour and sold for a hundred dirhams. He, however, always ensured that the garments conformed to the Sunnah. Hadhrat Salama bin Akwa رضي الله عنهreports he saw Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه wearing his lower garment halfway up his shin, saying “this is how my beloved Rasulullah صلي الله على وسلم used to wear his lower garment.”

Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه ate good food(by comparison to that which other Sahabah ate) and used sifted flour.

Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه was a man of few words, but, when necessary, he was able to express himself clearly and eloquently.

Efforts in support of the Deen:
He was one who would not flinch at anything to ensure the safety of the Deen. He said, “continue enjoining the good and forbidding evil before a time comes when the evil ones amongst you will take control of your affairs and the du'aas that the good ones make against them will not be accepted.”

Worship and Piety:
Since acts of Ibaadah are the best way to attain proximity to Allah, Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه exerted himself in Nawaafil acts despite his busy schedule. This was in addition to fulfilling the Faraa'idh, Waajibat and Sunan. He was so devoted to his Salaah that he became oblivious of everything around him.
He feared Allah so much that he once said, “had I been placed between Jannah and Jahannam without knowing where I shall be heading, I would prefer to be turned to dust before being commanded where I should go.”

The company and nurturing he received from Rasulullah صلي الله على وسلم moulded Hadhrat Uthmaan رضي الله عنه into a personality akin to Rasulullah صلي الله على وسلم himself. Rasulullah صلي الله على وسلم therefore said, “of all my companions, Uthmaan's personality resembles mine the most.”


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