
Showing posts from 2016

Asma bint Yazeed رضي الله عنها enquires about the rewards for Women

Hadhrat Asma bint Yazeed رضي الله عنها who was from the Ansaar once came to Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم and said, “O Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم! May my parents be sacrificed for you! The Muslim women have appointed me to you as their representative, for indeed, Allah Ta'ala has sent you as a Nabi for both men and women. We women have brought Imaan in you and in Allah Ta'aala, but we spend our time within the confines of our homes. We remain restricted to our duties of fulfilling the desires of our men, bearing their children, and looking after their homes. Despite all this, men still excel us in earning rewards for things that we are unable to do. They perform their daily Salaah and Jumuah Salaah in the Masjid, they visit the sick, they attend f...

Hadhrat Handhala رضي الله عنه ´s fear of hypocrisy

Hadhrat Handhala رضي الله عنه relates, “We were once with Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم when he delivered a sermon that caused our hearts to melt, our eyes to flow with tears and which brought reality before us. When I left Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم and returned home to my wife and children, we discussed worldly affairs, I started to laugh with the children and joke with my wife. The condition that I felt when we were with Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم had vanished. I suddenly realised that I was not whom I had been. The state I was in when with Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم was unlike th...

Ummu Sulaym رضي الله عنها loses her child.

Hadhrat Ummu Sulaym رضي الله عنها was the mother of Hadhrat Anas رضي الله عنه who remained a widow for some time after the death of her husband in order to devote herself to caring for her son. Later on, she was married to Abu Talha رضي الله عنه and bore a son named Abu Umayr from him. Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم often visited her house to play with the child. One day, Abu Umayr fell seriously ill. Hadhrat Abu Talha رضي الله عنه was still at work when the child suddenly passed away. Ummu Sulaym رضي الله عنها washed the dead body, shrouded it and then gently placed it on the bed. Abu ...

The du'aas of Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Jahash and Hadhrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas

It was just prior to the battle of Uhud that Hadhrat Abdullah bin Jahash رضي الله عنه said to Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas رضي الله عنه , “ Come, O Sa'd. Let us pray together. Let each one of us make Du'aa to Allah Ta'aala for his aspiration and the other one says Ameen to it. The Du'aas are more likely to be answered by Allah Ta'aal in this manner.” Hadhrat Sa'd رضي الله عنه agreed and the two stepped aside to make du'aa. Hadhrat Sa'd رضي الله عنه was the first to make du’aa, saying, “ O Allah Ta'aala! When we step into the battle, let me face a very strong and fierce enemy. Let him attack me with all his might and let me repulse him with all my strength. Then, O Allah Ta'aala, let me be triumphant and kill him for your sake and have ...

Ummu Hakeem رضي الله عنها Accepts Islam and participates in Jihad

Hadhrat Ummu Hakeem رضي الله عنها was the wife of Ikramah bin Abi Jahal رضي الله عنه. She participated on the side of the Kuffar in the battle of Uhud and embraced Islam when the Muslims conquered Makkah. However, her husband refused to become Muslim because his father Abu Jahal was the worst enemy of Islam. Therefore, when the Muslims conquered Makkah, her husband fled to Yemen. Because she loved her husband very much, she secured pardon for him from Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم and followed him to Yemen, where after much persuasion she managed to convince him to return home. She said to him, “You will find safety from the sword of Muhammed صلى الله على وسلم only in his lap.” He then ...

The Salaah of Hadhrat Abbaad bin Bishr رضي الله عنه while keeping watch

While returning from a campaign, Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم stopped somewhere for the night and asked the Sahabah رضي الله عنهم, “Who will keep watch over the camp tonight?” Hadhrat Ammaar bin Yaasir رضي الله عنه from the Muhaajireen and Hadhrat Abbaad bin Bishr رضي الله عنه from the Ansaar volunteered and were then directed to a hillock from where the enemy could launch an attack. Hadhrat Abbaad. رضي الله عنه then said to Hadhrat Ammaar رضي الله عنه, “let us take turns to keep watch and to sleep. I shall keep awake during the first half of the night while you sleep. Thereafter...

The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and the incidents of Hadhrat Abu Jandal & Abu Baseer رضي الله عنهم

Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم left for Umrah in the year 6 A.H., but when the kuffaar of Makkah heard about this, they regarded it to be an insult to allow the Muslims into Makkah. They therefore opposed the Muslims, who halted at a place called Hudaybiyyah. The Sahabah رضي الله عنهم who always regarded it to be their honour to give their lives for Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم got ready for battle with the Kuffar, but Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم did not intend fighting in the interests of the Kuffaar. He rather entered into negotiations for a peace treaty. Despite the fact that the Muslims were ready to fight, Rasoolullah صلى الله...

The Martyrdom of Hadhrat Mus'ab bin Umayr رضي الله عنه

Hadhrat Mus'ab bin Umayr رضي الله عنه had been brought up with much doting and love by his wealthy parents and had always lived in luxury and comfort before embracing Islam. It is reported that he was the best dressed youngster in Makkah and that his parents would buy him outfits worth two hundred Dirhams. He embraced Islaam during the early days without the knowledge of his parents. However, when they came to know of it, they tied him with a rope and forced him to stay at home. He eventually managed to escape and migrated to Abyssinia, after which he migrated to Madinah. As a Muslim, he lived a life of such poverty that he once passed in front of Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم wearing only one sheet of cloth, which bore a number of patches, including one of leather. With tears in his eyes, Rasoolullah صلى الل...

Hafsah bint Umar رضي الله عنها

Hadhrat Hafsah رضي الله عنه was the daughter of Hadhrat Umar bin Al Khattab رضي الله عنه. She was born in Makkah five years before Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم announced his call. She was first married to Khunays bin Hudhafaah رضي الله عنه, who was one of the very first Muslims who had immigrated to Abyssinia and then to Madinah. Hadhrat Hafsah رضي الله عنها had also immigrated to Madinah with her husband. He participated in the battle of Badr and was fatally wounded either during the battler of Badr or the Battle of Uhud , after which he passed away in the 1st or 2nd year after the Hijrah. When Hadhrat Hafsah رضي الل...

Hadhrat Abu Dharr Ghifaari رضي الله عنه Accepts Islam

Hadhrat Abu Dharr رضي الله عنه was a famous companion of Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم who later became one of the greatest ascetics and scholars of Islaam. Even Hadhrat Ali رضي الله عنه attested to the fact that most people were unable to even acquire the knowledge that Hadhrat Abu Dharr رضي الله عنه possessed. When Hadhrat Abu Dharr رضي الله عنه first heard about Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم, he sent his brother to Makkah to investigate what type of a person it was who claimed to receive revelation from the heavens. He also instructed his brother to listen attentively to what R...

The hardships borne by Hadhrat Khabbaab bin Al Arat رضي الله عنه

Hadhrat Khabaab bin Al Arat رضي الله عنه was amongst those great souls who endured the worst of trials and torture in the path of Allaah Ta'aala. He was the sixth or seventh person to enter the fold of Islam and was therefore subjected to suffering for a longer period of time. He was made to wear steel armour and thrown into the sun, causing him to swelter in the extreme desert heat. He was often made to lie on the scorching sand because of which the flesh on his back would fall from his body. He was a slave of a woman who, when she learnt that he had been meeting with Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم, she branded his head with a hot iron. A while after he had become the Khalifa, Hadhrat Umar رضي الله عنه once asked Hadhrat Khabbaab رضي الل...

Asma bint Abu Bakr رضي الله عنها

Hadhrat Asma رضي الله عنها was the daughter of Hadhrat Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه, the mother of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Zubayr رضي الله عنه and the half sister of Hadhrat Aaisha رضي الله عنها. She was one of the most eminent women amongst the Sahabah رضي الله عنه and was born 27 years before the Hijrah. She was one of the earliest Muslims and it is said that she was the eighteenth person to embrace Islam. After Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم and Hadhrat Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه reached Madinah, they sent Hadhrat Zayd رضي ا...

Hasan bin Ali رضي الله عنه

Hadhrat Hasan رضي الله عنه was born on the 15th of Ramadhan 3 A.H(625 A.D) in Madinah and was the first child of Rasoolullah's صلى الله على وسلم  daughter Hadhrat Fathima رضي الله عنها. Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم named him Hasan and performed the Aqeeqah on the 7th day after he was born. It was on the same day that his hair was shaved off and equivalent weight in silver given out in Sadaqah. Together with being the grandson of Rasoolullah صلى الله على وسلم, Hadhrat Hasan رضي الله عنه also succeeded his father Hadhrat Ali رض...